A surreal place, this is Joshua Tree National Park. Combining archaic Joshua Trees with Africa-like landscape: colourful rock formations, thornbushes, yuccas, cacti, along with dust, heat, and dryness. That's what a desert looks like. Colours range from brown and grey to bright red and paste hues.
Reminded of U2, when around? Yes, that's correct. It was a Joshua Tree that was shot for the cover of their fifth studio album The Joshua Tree. Nevertheless, it is a common misconception until today that the site of the original tree is within Joshua Tree National Park, when in fact it is over 200 miles away from it. Reportedly, the coordinates of the former place of the tree are N36 19.851 W117 44.715 which is in Death Valley National Park north of Joshua Tree and west of Las Vegas. The tree photographed for the sleeve fell around 2000. If you're in U2 mood anyway, stay at the Harmony Motel in Twentynine Palms.
Meet lizards and birds at a short hiking loop at Hidden Valley. For a longer outdoor adventure, hike the 6 miles at Lost Horse Mine Road. Enjoy pure silence and lonesomeness except the summing of bees, chirring of crickets, and chirping of birds.
For a breathtaking view into Coachella Valley get to Keys View spot. Try to spot your festival destination for the next days next to the Little San Bernardino Mountains, the Santa Rosa Mountains, and the Indio Hills. The lush green valley around Palm Springs looks like an oasis-like mirage in the middle of the desert. Coachella itself is 22 metres under sea level whereas Mount San Jacinto on the other side of the valley rises 10,831 feet high. Also note the San Andreas Fault lies in front of your eyes constantly threatening the area with earthquakes.
Drive into huge Pinto Basin where the Mojave Desert meets the Colorado Desert. Very special spot is Cholla Cactus Garden with hundreds of impressive cacti and the humming of thousands of bees.
Whatever hike you prefer, please take your time and stay hydrated. Shade is rare here. In 2011, Guus van Hove, the director of a Dutch music venue, and his girlfriend died of heat exhaustion in a remote part of the park, allegedly searching for the site of U2's tree.
Joshua Tree National Park (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Joshua Tree National Park (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Joshua Tree National Park - view into Coachella Valley (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Joshua Tree National Park - view into Coachella Valley (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Joshua Tree National Park (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Joshua Tree National Park (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Joshua Tree National Park (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Joshua Tree National Park (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Joshua Tree National Park - Cholla Cactus Garden (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Joshua Tree National Park - Cholla Cactus Garden (Photo by Bachmeier / Ramsthaler)
Perfect spot for hiking
Spectacular colours and stone formations
Water oasis in a dry land
A once-in-a-lifetime experience
Scenic Colorado River view
Known from commercials
Scenic landscape as far as the horizon
Surreal rock formations with great colours
A trip back in time
Unreal place in desert surrounding
Mount San Jacinto and views upon the desert
Glamourous Indie Rock'n'Roll from Vegas
Las Vegas Alternative Rock
Heavy Metal based in Vegas
Rock band from Nevada
Palm Desert meets Alternative Rock
Stoner Rock born in Palm Desert